Basketball Academy, Beginner/Intermediate
From our ADAPT Playbook that allows us to annotate and simulate drills, to our weekly virtual classes and telestration software that can arrange highlights similar to ESPN, allow us to help you improve! One-Time Payment = LIFETIME ACCESS!
Welcome To Our ADAPT Basketball Virtual Academy (FREE OVERVIEW)
Beginner + Intermediate Skill Levels Bundled & Now Explained! BANG-FOR-YOUR-BUCK!
What Is Our D.R.E.A.M. Made Of?
Master Your D.R.E.A.M.
We Are Also Team Typeform!
We Are Team Zoom!
Let's Build a Virtual Basketball Community!
Intro to Athletic Development (Mini Lecture)
Assessments, Assessments!
Do Your Best!
Hand-Eye Coordination Assessment
Single Leg Balance Assessment
Assessment Entries
Basic V Dribbling Series
Continuous Dribble, Tennis Ball Catch Series
Dribble Between-The-Legs, Tennis Ball Cross Catch (Intermediate Level)
Dribble Behind-The-Back, Tennis Ball Cross Catch (Intermediate Level)
In-And-Out Dribble + Behind-The-Back, Tennis Ball Cross Catch (Intermediate Level)
Mikan Drill Assessment (Multiple Progressions) (Intermediate Level)
Mikan Drill Assessment
Single Leg Shooting Drill
Spinning Ball To Yourself
Elbow-To-Elbow Shots (No Dribble)
Elbow-To-Elbow Shots (One Dribble)
180° Shooting Drill (Intermediate Level)
Star Shooting Drill
Survey (Assessments)
Live Virtual Class (Big Huddles)